For DEBT Relief Call

082 556 8514

TCB Debt Counselling

TCB Was established in 2008. We’re fully accredited by the NCR.

aboutMy goal with starting this company was to be of assistance to those with debt problems. Financial stress seems to be a part of life for our generation, but with a little help, and a common-sense approach, most of the stress can be avoided, or at least mitigated.

Since starting out in 2008 I’ve been privileged to work with some great people, and have achieved positive outcomes withe all of my clients.

In 2015 I moved into this line full time, with the aim of steadily broadening the range of my services, and helping even more people get back on their feet, money-wise.

I make it a point to go the extra mile, and explain every part of the process as clearly as possible. People come first, in my book, and the whole point of Debt Review is to get you into the position where you’re financially healthy, and where there’s a smile on your face again. That really makes my day!

Terrence Bartl

NCR Certificate # NCRDC475